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The question that changed my life

Updated: Jul 26, 2022

My story and why I'm so passionate about what I do

How it all started

My transformation began in 2015 with a spinal surgery that made me start questioning the life I was living. It was the first time in my life when I was forced to stop doing and be busy. I had to evaluate my life, face my fears and decide if I wanted to keep following the life path that everyone expected from me or I wanted to create life on my own terms aligned to who I really am.

I asked myself:

“If I were 70 years old, would I be satisfied with my life?”

On the outside my life was great and comfortable - 9 to 5 job, manager position, flat, car, holidays and friends, but I still wanted more from life.

For a long time I believed that my past and traumatic childhood experiences defined my future. I was growing up without dreams as I was taught that it is better to expect less and not be disappointed. I thought that I was broken. I thought that my past determines my future. I was stuck in my head, with low self-esteem and lack of self-love and self-acceptance.

The best about life is that it is a never ending exploration

I decided to take a huge risk. At the age of 33, I moved to Australia on a student visa. I didn’t have a job, I could only work part time and I didn’t know anyone here. It was very challenging, but it was also an opportunity to reinvent myself. To be honest, it was the best decision I have ever made.

I was at the point of my life when I was reflecting:

"Why am I here?

Who am I really?

What is my purpose?

What really matters to me?

How can I make a difference?"

I felt so lonely and confused at the beginning as I felt that no one understood me. I heard all the time:

“Settle down!

Appreciate what you have.

Stop searching and be grateful for what you have.

You are already successful! What else do you want?”

Do not accept life as it has been given

Those comments slowed down my growth but never stopped it. I’m one of the people who haven’t given up on searching for who they really are. I started re-evaluating the definition of success and creating my own definition. I began following my desires and discovering what lights me up. Searching for what sets my soul on fire.

I decided to not accept life as it was given to me with all the rules, childhood conditioning and prescribed ideas of what successful life should look like. I decided to keep exploring to create life that I’m excited about. I understood that I had built my confidence on external validation and achievements. It seemed like I had a program in my head that was telling me what is right or wrong. It wasn’t a real me.

My self-discovery journey

Self-discovery journey requires so much courage to be able to face all the demons from the past, but when you take the first step, you realise that this is the only way. I used to be so disconnected from myself that I didn’t know what I was really feeling. I was always okay. If I wasn’t, I had a drink, I had sex, I indulged in food, I smashed myself with a hard workout or I kept myself busy or distracted so I didn’t have to face how I was feeling.

I remember that alcohol was always the easiest and fastest way to feel better. More relaxed, more fun, more confident. I developed the attachment that I wasn’t able to have fun unless I had a drink. I didn't really know how to be myself if I wasn’t drinking. Today I drink occasionally and I dislike the way alcohol changes my behaviour and the way I feel the next day. The more connected to myself I became, the more alcohol didn’t match my lifestyle.

Now I know that my past is my biggest strength. Overcoming all the difficulties helped me to become who I am today. Allowed me to see the light when everyone else sees the darkness. It helped me to keep exploring and searching for what else is out there.

I finally understood that I am here for more than the life others expected me to live. Today I treat every event of my life as a gift. All the pain that I experienced taught me empathy and gave me the ability to understand other people’s feelings. It gave me strength and resilience to keep going and keep believing.

Be authentic

The magic started happening when I began sharing my thoughts and feelings courageously wherever I was. I noticed that there are more people out there who ask themselves the same questions! Everywhere. The more open I was, the more people I was able to connect with. Not people who had it all figured out, but people who are on their self-discovery journey and searching for answers - with open minds, beautiful hearts and ready to serve others and make a difference in the world.

“Don’t try to fit in. Be authentic and people will appreciate it. It will allow you to attract the right opportunities and the right people to your life.”

Paulina in Sydney

Reinventing my life in Australia proved to me that anything is possible if you keep exploring.

Embracing my authenticity and my natural gifts and talents led me where I am today. It is what brings me so much joy in my life, and I am passionate about others doing the same.

Today I’m confident in myself and I know what matters to me. I still love fun, but these days fun feels different. I love ecstatic dance when I get into a state of pure bliss. I enjoy ice baths that challenge and excite me. This is fun and pure joy. Today I love attending conscious events where I can find more people with similar values and a similar way they see the world. Today I know that I can find my tribe anywhere I go. The more I authentically share who I am, the more similar people I connect with.

My ask

I want to share my story to inspire you to wake up to who you truly are. To invite you to keep exploring your true desires, your gifts and talents and to embrace your super powers. So please, ask yourself:

“What would you do if there was no fear in your heart and you would have full belief in yourself?

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